Consultancy Services for Entrepreneurs with Migration Background

Starting a business often demands more than just a good idea, commitment and energy. It also frequently involves a massive amount of bureaucracy. Regardless if it is opening a shop, restaurant or if offering of services; starting a business requires the consideration of many questions, for example:

  • Which government bodies must I inform?
  • Which applications do I need to fill out?
  • When do I have to fill which application?
  • Which advertising strategy fits my business and gets me clients?
  • What should be observed when talking to suppliers?
  • Are there any financing options for my business idea?
  • What do I have to consider in my bookkeeping?

Answering these questions often pose a considerable challenge even for German founders. They are even more difficult for immigrants in Germany who do not have a hundred percent command and understanding of the culture, regulations and perhaps the German language. Nevertheless, the courage and commitment of foreigners who want to become self-employed and open their own business in Leipzig have not only become an important economical factor but have also made our city much more colorful, diverse and enjoyable.   The Office for Economic Development for the City of Leipzig and the Existenzgründerzentrum EGZ as part of a joint project therefore provide support and accompany founders with migration background who want to build up their own business in Leipzig. The special situation of migrants in Germany is taken into account as part of the support services. The training and consultancy are carried out in simple language and upon request with native language assistance (English, Arabic, Russian, other languages ​​upon request). The aim is to raise awareness of the risks which arise from legal or regulatory requirements. Questions regarding visa and residence permits are also included in the services. Not only is the founding of the business itself considered but also the whole social environment of the family is included.

In concrete terms, we offer three modules within the framework of the project:

Preliminary Contact

As part of an one-hour inital meeting we will cover basic questions regarding self-employment in Germany:

  • Do I already have a business idea and is this business idea suitable for me?
  • What prerequisites do I have to fulfill in order to start my business?
  • What residence permit do I need to start a company?
  • Where can I get help and support to start my business?
  • Can I also receive financial support or funding for my business idea?
  • What are the next steps / what do I have to do next?

Together, we will identify additional needs for support and assistance to prepare the business thoroughly and to avoid typical start-up mistakes.


The necessary knowledge needed to start a business will be provided in the course of seven short workshops (3 hours each) in small groups. The workshops are also carried out with native language support. The individual situation of the course participants is taken into account, questions can be asked at any time, if necessary, solutions are also developed together. The topics of the workshops are: 

  • Information regarding the process to self-employment
  • Support and financial support for business founders in Leipzig
  • Basics of marketing and advertising
  • Bookkeeping and taxes
  • Recruitment of employees
  • Securing the company against risks
  • Creating a business plan

There is a one-time fee of 40.00 EUR for participation in all seven workshops. Participant will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the workshops.

The complete seminar program with content and dates can be downloaded here.


24.04.2025 - 19.06.2025: Download


Consultancy and Support

We can provide support within the scope of individual consultancy sessions which are there to analyze the existing business idea and to together undertake the necessary activities to prepare the founding of the business. This also includes accompanying the founder to official appointments and support in filling out and completing forms and applications. We also provide support in creating a business plan, advice on price calculation, and help with the creation of advertising materials or with questions concerning bookkeeping and accounting. In addition, we also include further contact points and partners in the consultancy if necessary including making the necessary contacts and also accompanying the founders to these appointments (i.e. the Chamber of Commerce IHK / Chamber of Handicrafts HWK, Jobcenter, IBAS Informations- und Beratungsstelle Anerkennung Sachsen, etc.)  


Participation in the program is allowed for any entrepreneurs with migration background, regardless of their country of origin and visa-status, who

  • are registered in Leipzig
  • want to register and start a business in Leipzig, or
  • have started a business within the last 3 years in Leipzig and would like to receive support to further grow their business.

The project is promoted by the Office for Economic Development of the City of Leipzig. Therefore, the consulting services are free of charge for the participants of the program. Only for participation in the workshops will there be a participation fee of 40,00 EUR.

We can of course also support you unconnectedly from the project if you do not come from Leipzig or do not want to start your business in Leipzig. Click here for more information.


Saarländerstr. 17 04179 Leipzig
Telefon: 0341 49 56 707


Brenda Irala

Frau Brenda Irala zeigt ein Spielbrett, Aktionskarten, eine Sanduhr, Stift und Papier – das ist eigentlich schon alles was man benötigt, sagt sie. Kontaktieren Sie mich, spielen Sie mit mir! Brenda hat in ihrem Heimatland Mexiko International... mehr

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